2016年4月10日 星期日

候選人(The Candidates)



  • 競選是為了什麼目標?
  • 我現在的狀況是什麼?
  • 我有什麼技能,對於這分公職可能是有用的?
  • 我喜歡和人群一同工作嗎?
  • 我有足夠的精力嗎?我能自我督促嗎?
  • 現在是正確的時間來競選嗎?
  • 我個人的特質足夠說服群眾嗎?


  •  一項基礎的能力是對於任何人表現尊重,無論這些人的政治傾向。如果你的選舉策略有其需求,攻擊競爭對手讓他們呈現出他們的不足會是必要之惡。但,這件事不應演變成針對私人的惡意攻擊。
  • 候選人應該富有同情心,傾聽人群,聆聽人們陳述的需求。這是因為從選民的觀點來學習,遠比從統計報告來學習來得更重要。而非因為,內向的人遠比哪些號稱代表人民的政客更受歡迎。
  • 能夠從自己承擔的工作中反省與檢討的人,有成為好的政治人物的素質。因為他們不會單純地執行他們的上級所做的決定。
  • 專業:你必須了解立法的程序,還有你要代表的部門。
  • 溝通:在以多種媒體:報紙、廣播、電視、網路為中心的世界裡,你必須熟悉溝通的規則,才能有競爭力。
  • 效率:了解到你有很多的議題需要去處理、很多的問題需要去解決。你會因此而需要大量的精力才能有效解決這些問題。在一個安排良好的組織裡,你會有機會去銷售你的「成功」
  • 克里斯瑪:有些人擁有,有些人沒有。有些人說,克里斯瑪無法被學習。然而,你可以做某一些事,讓你自己看起來像是一個有克里斯瑪的人。試著去激發別人。如果你熱愛你的工作,如果你對於某些主題極有熱忱,如果你盡你最大的努力去尋找解答 --- 人們會感受到這些事。當你談論事情時,你的眼神是否閃爍?然後你了解如何成為一個有魅力的人。
  • 信用:對人誠信,努力保持真誠。這是讓人們信任最好的方法。
  • 願景:選民和潛在的選民會想知道你的計畫和你的主張。不要天天改變你的想法。不要一直告訴人們你要推動不同的願景。
  • 責任:嚴肅地對待你的責任。做出承諾,並且努力實現它們。採取行動!
  • 進步:自我要求,而且致力於你自身的進步。這是領導能力的關鍵層面。

這邊有一些(諷刺的)要訣與建議,來自於德國競選與溝通領域的知名顧問Marcos Althaus:

  1. 你有許多要說的話---告訴你的聽眾所有你知道的事!儘可能地去呈現所有你可以呈現的各種主題。
  2. 總是把議題和人加以分開。管理技巧、精力和同情心不會跟議題同步發展。
  3. 忽略某個個人可能成為群眾象徵的事實。人們喜歡你的政黨因為它的特性,然而政治人物是可以被取代的。
  4. 別去在意你的競爭對手。不要去攻擊他們。如果你曾經攻擊了你的對手,那低調一些,別講出去。「他/她絕對不會把這件事說出去…」
  5. 在你的腦子裡構思策略。不要使用一些所有其它人都有辦法使用的老方法。
  6. 不要對你的選區做分析。除非你明確知道你的潛在選民住哪、你只需要再多少票就當選,或是你應該專注於某個人際網路。
  7. 清楚地規畫你的預算,直到最後一分錢。不要為最後的選前活動、廣告,保留一筆款項。
  8. 把你所有的金錢投資在傳單、免費啤酒、筆、打火機。不要把10%的金錢用於民調、顧問。外來的專家總是太過昂貴。你必須重新發明輪子!這就是你的個人風格。
  9. 除非距離投票日當天,你還有足夠的時間,別跟人開口要錢。也不用太早開始募款。
  10. 弱的候選人才會把工作委任給別人來做。候選人應該親力親為所有的工作細節,否則選戰不易成功。
  11. 不要控制你的員工。每個人有自己的負責的工作。開票那一天你就會知道是否成功。
  12. 你不需要所謂內部的溝通。每個人會跟每個人講。連絡名單、資訊的流動是被每一個人所管理的。
  13. 參與活動的人應該只需要會填寫申請表格來取得材料和資源。他們不需要被訓練成同時會規畫、組織和溝通。這些事情會讓他們很困惑。
  14. 你的日曆就是你的日曆。你是唯一一位明確了解你的處境的人。你有權去決定你要出席哪些活動。或是甚至更好的方式是,讓超過一個以上的人來協助規畫你的行程。愈多愈好,這些都是你的機會,讓你可以多多接觸選民。
  15. 請別使用你的政黨提供任何的設計指導原則,或是基本素材。你是一個獨立的個體,而且你會想要建立你的個人風格!充滿色彩的文宣品、大量的文字是主要需要考量的事。在你的網站上使用你個人的相片、自製的影片。
  16. 在你的旅途中,你應該和你的朋友、你的團隊聊天。而非找記者或是意見領袖聊天。專注於你準備的演說、同時儘快離開你的聽眾。愈早跳上你的車,愈好。
  17. 你不需要一位發言人。你自己就是你的發言人。也許你從不曾擔任編輯辦公室的工作或是記者。你應該讓人們知道,你說的是真話,而媒體會做出不利於你的報導。
  18. 不要打電話給你的選民,他們不喜歡這種事。
  19. 避開有趣的活動、還有一些可以拍美麗相片的機會。因為記者只要拍你和其它政治人物握手的照片。
  20. 忘記網際網路吧。那是美國的瘋子發明的事物。

2016年4月4日 星期一

Fundraising and Sponsoring

Getting started
You want to raise a huge amount of money in no time? Then you should play in a lottery – this article is going to disappoint you. Fundraising and sponsoring are well-planned efforts which require financial as well as personal resources.
Whereas a fundraiser usually doesn’t give anything directly in return for a donation, the situation is different for sponsoring. This is more like a business contract: a company gives money or contributions in kind to the party and will get something in return that both sides have agreed on: e.g. the company logo will be displayed at certain events, on the candidate’s car or on the back of a brochure.  We’ll come back to that later.

In some countries there are legal or cultural barriers for fundraising. You should always check the legal situation before you start fundraising. Sometimes, only certain parts of a party are allowed to raise funds, in most cases parliamentary factions are not allowed to do so. In some countries people are more used to donating in cash, in others they want to pay by cheque, transfer money from their bank account via SMS, or use an online donation tool. Have a look at the methods used successfully by others in your country and ask which may be good ways for your target groups. Of course you can leave the choice of the channel up to your donors.
The main challenge to start fundraising may be your own attitude towards it. Your party needs money, but you feel uncomfortable begging for it? That’s why you haven’t even started? Perhaps you want to hire a fundraiser and let him or her do the bad job?
If these are your feelings it is time to change your attitude. You are not a beggar! You are fighting for a better world with your party and you offer others the opportunity to support your cause – even if they cannot or do not want to spend time on it. They want a better world for themselves and for their children – and you provide them with the opportunity to improve the situation by simply giving some money. Isn’t this a generous offer? Or as John D. Rockefeller, Jr put it: „Never think you need to apologize for asking someone to give to a worthy object, any more than as though you were giving him an opportunity to participate in a high-grade investment.”
如果上述的事情是你的感覺,該是時候來改變你的想法了。你不是乞丐。你和你的政黨正在爭取一個更美好的世界,同時你給予其它人一個機會來幫忙 – 即使他們不能或是不想花時間在這件事情上。他們也想要幫自己及下一代爭取更美好的世界,而你提供他們這種絕佳的機會,簡單到只需要出錢而已。這不是很大方的贈與嗎?或是正如同約翰‧戴維森‧洛克翡勒二世所講的:「絕不要認為你需要為了請別人投資一個高檔的投資而感到抱歉。」
Fundraising is not just about money, it’s much more about persons and relationships. Building up a good relationship between the party and the donor is crucial. The most promising donors are the members of your party. They already have an intense relationship with your party and will understand when your party needs money to finance a campaign. But most of them will want to donate for a vision, for a better future or for a specific issue, not just for ‘the campaign’.
Fundraising – who and how
Successful fundraising will always start with the members. When you send out a mailing to your members you should always ask for money and support for a specified purpose not just “for the party”. You could e.g. tell your members that you need a certain amount of money in order to finance a campaign event or a campaign newspaper. You can also offer the opportunity to donate for a specific political cause (e.g. “for the campaign against the new waste disposal site”).
Some parties give certain incentives to donors: If you spend 50 € you get a T-shirt or a cap, if you spend 100 € you get a bathing towel, if you spend 1000 € you’ll be invited to a dinner with the top candidate. Until they’ve actually tried it, some party officials fear this will not work with their members. Think about incentives that are really attractive for your members. Perhaps you’ll promise an iPod Shuffle for giving 500 € or an invitation to an eco leisure centre?
募款 – 找誰呢?該怎麼做?
某些政黨給予捐款者一些誘因:如果你捐了50歐元,你可以得到一件T裇或是馬克杯。如果你捐了100歐元,你可以得到一件大毛巾。如果你捐了1000歐元,你可以去和種子候選人共進晚餐。直到他們真的試之前,總是有一些政黨的幹部認為,這種事不會管用。去思考一些真的對你的支持者管用的誘因吧。也許你將會回饋給500歐元捐款一個iPod Shuffle或是一張去生態休閒中心的門票。
To build up and nourish a good relationship with donors, you should think about fundraising dinners and other fundraising events. Don’t expect too much from just one event! It is necessary to build up ties that last. A fundraising dinner should always include a speech by a prominent and popular representative of the party like the top candidate, a minister, the party leader or at least the campaign manager. The location shouldn’t be too big – it should always look well attended. At each table there should be interesting hosts from the party not just potential donors. Never forget during a fundraising event to ask people for a donation. This does not have to be made in cash of course – but don’t forget to ask!
The most effective fundraisers usually are the top candidates. They have to call people and enterprises they know and ask for support. A fundraising assistant should sit down with the top candidate and should check her or his address book in order to identify potential donors. In a list you should put down when and how this person should be reached. The fundraising assistant has the task to ask: “Did you manage to call your aunt Esther last week and ask her for support?” This continuous monitoring of the top candidates’ fundraising activities is very important because she or he will have plenty of other duties.
Some people may be easier to convince if you offer them to pay just half of the intended amount now and the rest later. Others will be impressed by a Campaign Finance Committee full of honourable and trustworthy citizens who really try hard to raise money for your party.
Start early! Those who give once will often give several times. But don’t just ask for money for your candidate or your party – you should always try to sell hope, green solutions and ideas.
When you want to look for sponsors you should carefully check the legal situation in your country first. In many countries there are limitations for political parties to receive money from corporations. No party or candidate should be dependent on corporate money alone – this would be an invitation for more corporate influence on legislation and corruption. Therefore sponsor relationships always have to be transparent.
In a few Green parties people are strictly opposed to sponsoring. The majority, however, wants binding limits. Instigated by the Green European Foundation in 2010 in Budapest, a discussion has started between treasurers and fundraisers of Green parties and of the EGP about a Green code of conduct for sponsoring (and fundraising).
At best, sponsor relations are treated like business contracts with precisely defined conditions. A company gives money or contributions in kind to the party in exchange for a certain service. Examples for these services include companies:
– renting a certain space at party conventions where they can present themselves. Some parties have their party conventions in congress centres on fair grounds to be able to host all these presentations.
– sponsoring the cars of the party and publish it.
– giving donations in kind for party events (catering, equipment, wireless connections for everybody…).
– giving money for publications in which their contribution is mentioned and their logo displayed.
– paying for advertisements in party newspapers – perhaps the most common way of sponsoring.
幫政黨付報紙的廣告費用。--- 最常見的捐款方式。
If you are not sure whether you should press hard on sponsoring, you should discuss this with people from other Green parties that are more experienced in this field. And of course you should never start it without a decision of your party board or even your membership. The delicate question of whether a certain company should be allowed to sponsor your party or not should be handled with care – regulations can prove very helpful. They could, for instance, exclude military and nuclear industries, and define an internal decision-making process to limit the risk of wrong or controversial decisions. With creativity and personal involvement of the top people, and with binding regulations and full transparency, the chances of establishing a good mix of sources for financing your party are high. Good luck!
